Go Solar Reduce Your Power Bills and Leverage an Infinite Source of Clean Energy
Newcastle homeowners use solar to reduce their power bills and leverage an infinite source of clean energy that doesn’t negatively affect the environment. Solar power is one of the smartest investments you can make in your home. Sunlight strikes the solar panels, converting it to DC electricity. The electricity flows through a conductive wire to the inverter, which converts it into AC energy for your home. Solar Panels Solar panels generate electricity by absorbing the sun’s energy. Then, that energy is channeled into an inverter to convert the direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) power. Usually, the solar system produces more energy than it needs, so any excess is sent back to the grid, resulting in a credit on your utility bill. This credit allows you to significantly reduce or eliminate your utility bill, and can even save you money during the years when you’re not generating any power. Our systems use REC’s multiple award-winning family of trailblazing solar panel...