How to Get a Solar Panel Price in Newcastle

solar newcastle price

Solar energy is a great way to reduce your electricity costs. It can also help protect our environment by reducing your reliance on carbon-emitting power from the grid.

Australia is known as the sunburnt country for a reason, and Newcastle receives 5.3 peak sunlight hours per square metre. This makes a solar system worthwhile in Newcastle, where you can expect a speedy return on investment.

How much will a solar system cost?

The price of a solar system depends on your roof size, power demand, and installation location. These factors will also affect your savings potential. However, there are several incentives that can lower the overall cost of a solar system. These include government-initiated solar rebates and feed-in tariffs.

When sunlight hits your solar panels, electrons flow within them to generate electricity. This energy is then channeled into an inverter, where it is converted from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) to power your home. Your excess energy is then sold back to the grid, reducing or eliminating your utility bill.

Additionally, homeowners can qualify for a 30% tax credit on their solar system. This credit is available through 2032, then reduces to 26% and 22% in 2033 and 2035, respectively, before ending in 2035. This incentive is what makes it possible for Newcastle homes to install solar systems at an affordable rate. If you’re ready to save on your energy costs, contact us for a free no-obligation quote.

Solar rebates

Solar power is a great way to lower your electricity bills. It also helps reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and contributes to a greener environment. Additionally, it can be used with battery storage systems to provide backup power during blackouts.

Homeowners in Newcastle are embracing solar energy for many reasons, including significant cost savings and increased property value. It is an environmentally responsible investment that helps reduce carbon emissions and promotes a sustainable future. In addition, it offers homeowners the freedom to generate their own electricity and reduce their reliance on the grid.

Solar systems typically produce more electricity than is needed, and this excess energy is sent back to the power company through a process known as net metering. In this way, the system produces credits that can offset your electricity bill or even cause it to run backwards. Most solar systems have built-in battery storage systems to provide backup in the case of a power outage.


A feed-in tariff is an incentive policy to promote the growth of renewable energy technologies. They provide guaranteed purchase prices above the cost of purchasing power from the grid, or alternatively they offer a flat rate per kWh for all renewable energy that is fed into the system.

Generally, any excess energy produced by your solar PV system is sold back to the main electricity grid via a process known as net metering. This causes your electricity meter to go backwards and makes it possible for you to reduce or eliminate your power bill!

Homeowners who install a solar system will also be eligible to claim the federal government Small Technology Certificate (STC) rebate. The value of the rebate varies by location and system size. Our solar consultants can tell you if you’re eligible for a rebate.

Solar panels

Solar panels will convert light energy into electricity for use at your home or business. This can save you a lot of money in the long run. However, it’s important to remember that a solar system is not 100% efficient – about 15% of the raw energy is lost during conversion to electricity.

One of the most obvious benefits of solar panels in Newcastle is reduced energy bills. Solar energy allows you to reduce your dependence on mains electricity from local power companies. Depending on your energy consumption, you can even generate enough to feed back into the grid.

Regardless of where you live, you are likely to receive sufficient sunshine to make solar panels a worthwhile investment. The average Australian roof receives about 5.3 peak sun hours per square metre each day. This means that a 1kW system will produce about 5.3 kWh of energy each day. As a result, you can expect to recoup your investment quickly.

from Newcastle Solar Power Solutions


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